Picture comes complete in a black frame - Outer frame size 40 x 29 inches -Your item is ready to hang & pictured below is how it looks:

32 x 21 inches is the image only size of the artwork From the Christmas 2011 'Lost Reindeer' releases we have 'Lean On Me II' one of 2 larger size releases at the time, the other being 'First One Up.'
Here our character wrapped up nice and war, sits back to back with a Penguin! & Doug places the colour into this limited edition in 2 places; the human figure has his red on the bobble of his hat, his scarf & his mittens & his friend the penguin has his yellow beak and the reflection of it on the top of his white feathered body - a nice little artistic touch by Doug.
A lovely Christmassy image and also a heart warming message by Doug Hyde, reminding us of his hope that we all have friends and family who you can mutually 'lean' on when you need to