Gary Benfield continues to display his skill at capturing equine movement with 'Free Spirit I.' The horse appears to be a wild one & although it is mid movement, Benfield has painted his head with perfect composure and poise, on this limited edition canvas.
Your attention is drawn to the legs, these have been painted onto canvas with less solid colouring to reflect movement and speed. Also the hair on the horse's head & neck is wispy and is subject to the wind moving through it as speed.
This is a very accomplished painting & a worthy addition to his limited edition 'on canvas' print range.
'Free Spirit II' is another Benfield tour de force, showing the delicate grace of his subject. This majestic brown coloured horse has been lovingly brought to life in this limited edition canvas.
In this piece, you really have a perception of size and how huge this equine would be in real life
The horse's ears are straight and reflect the animal's alertness and his eyes have been painted with typical Benfield serenity.
What works so well is that it is devoid of background and yet the colours of the horse have been almost blended over into the white space around it, giving the picture an ethereal quality.
Another stunning Benfield equine limited edition, this time on canvas.